Monday 31 October 2016

Its not just a headache

I arrived at A&E in SouthMead, the receptionist looked at me to say “why are you here?” however, the triage nurse recognised that I wasn’t right; reassured me that she will get the doctor to see me ASAP. We met the junior doctor who was very lovely. He went to get the neurology consultant and although he thought it was Nothing serious he said he would send me for a CAT scan as a precautionary measure.
 After waiting for quite some time, the consultant returned with a long face. The CAT scan showed swelling on the brain, which meant the original diagnosis was wrong. The consultant was unsure why there was swelling on the brain which meant I needed to stay overnight. There was not any spare beds in the neurology ward, so I slept on a trolley in a side room off A&E, attached to drips. My mum went to tell my daughters at 1AM and came back with my dad at 4AM to keep me company.

1 comment:

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