Tuesday, 28 August 2018

life in the fast lane

I  wish.... I am very slowly  coming to terms with the fact that life will never be  the  same again.  Not feeling my legs properly is the hardest thin, one side is better than the other. I am now able to dress on my own, slow but sure, bending is easer and the strong pain have gone . Just simple tings like putting on your pants can be challenging !!! The Radio is making me feel like  really rubbish and I felt sick with it. today  .I really miss the fact the one  me thing that kept  sane as gone and  I could cry at for that.. I will fight. tri are not allowed to be talked about in the house for now, just a bit raw.  I am now at the stage pottering in the house is back . I do feel very  anti social , but I need to come to accept the changes . I am getting there. Talking to Kate and Hazel today have really helped today and I will  now join a McMillian support group when  I can. 

Thursday, 23 August 2018

wrong day

 I though I would surprise Cathy at swimming today, but got the day wrong, we swim on a wed and Friday not Thursday.  Still hoping I can keep swimming.

I am having radio therapy on the spine for 5 day days now, then hopefully chemo.

This time around I feel different, I am happy in my own company and the only people that  I am seeing are the people that I saw when I was  in hospital. I am in discomfort, the back is sore and there is not a lot of feeling in some places. I will call people if I need help.... Bertie and Benji never fail in cheering me up and when there is a gap I will see Kate. Having Sally and Jack living close by is just fantastic.

Sunday, 19 August 2018


Well Sally was amazing  completingeting her 24. mile swim,112 mile bike and a marathon, as they said she is an Ironman, she finished in 12.56 min. very , very proud of here.
This  has also been Sophie's first holiday without us, but my younger daughter is now grown up !!
Phil and Sarah also had to change there plans for there holiday, best family out.. Jack has also proved to a amazing (like my son)
as for here things will never be the same and I know that now and I am stronger and have the people around me to fight me what ever happens.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

coming home

More tests tomorrow then I am coming home. Will back in the following week. This week has been a real learning curve and the NHS have been brilliant. I  am looking forward to be at home with plenty of piece of quiet and to spend quality time with Bertie and Benji.

Monday, 13 August 2018

2nd Hospital visit in 5 days

Please bear with me for the next few days as back in hospital for more tests on my back (2 rides in an ambulance in one week!!).  I am very well looked after all round, they are monitoring the pain. I am enjoying the peace and quiet and making the most of resting. It looks like I will have a few days rest here while they sort out how best to treat it.
I am enjoying the quiet and just having a few family members around.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

sorry for not blogging

Sorry for not blogging I have been a little unwell with back pain which I think is sciatica, it is not that comfortable to say the least, but I am ok. I will keep blogging..