Sunday 20 November 2016

Another Day

I Slept like a log and still managed to feel rubbish when I woke up, but I slept.
I wasn't sure about writing the blog today as I feel I am getting boring, but the need is still there and it makes me feel good.
With all the post op drugs finishing I am feeling more panicky about what lies ahead, scans at the end of the week and the discussions about my treatment and the anxiety that the treatment will work and how I will cope it and if it work.

My day itself has been good, we went to the sailing club to watch John and Sally sail. I Sophie dropped me of  at the gate and I walked Bertie to the club house. We stayed till Sally and John finished sailing, had  chat then came home,  the club is like a second home to us all !
Late Roast Beef lunch, which to my surprise was good, we are not very good at cooking beef.
It was lovely to do some gardening and pottering around the house, all for normal for now!!!

Elaine took me this evening to her church for a reflection service, I think it is called that. Well for someone who finds it hard to sit for an hour, I really enjoyed it and it felt great, also shed a few more tears, not sure where they are coming from. When I got home I heard I had a phone call from Janine, someone who helped me my horse when Clare died, I have now arranged to meet her in a couple of week. I am so determined  to end this day well.

Contacting McMillian  and Brian Tumour Support tomorrow for help as it well overdue , also going in to work with sick note which I need to collect.

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