Sunday 13 November 2016

trying to be normal

Megan from work came in today, life felt like normal, Megan works on the Dementia unit there and gave me loads of support when I first started. It was hard telling her about the tumour, but once that was out of the way we talked about work and it was lovely to feel normal.
Lunch was follow a trip to the garden centre to spend some vouchers. We bought a plant a pot, bulbs and some small plants.  When we got back Paul, Alex and Izzy came in, Paul is a close friend of John’s  and knowing there will a support network for John is vital.   I still feel very  tearful on and off, and also panicky but  I am sure those feeling are the new normal.
Back to helping plan tea, I am a food lover and being involved with the daily run of the house feels good.

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