Thursday 24 November 2016

MRI not CT

well this is the 4 attempt at this as this computer is not doing what I tell it  !!!

The days starts with a lovely walk with Bertie , Emma and Betsy came too. both dogs love the ball being thrown and was a delight to watch them in the fields. With what has happened the last 4 weeks, it has made me realise the simple pleasure in  life a free and the best.

I then had a MRI scan which I was really dreading, because after each one came more bad new, so lets hope this one will not deliver more bad news. The scan itself was ok. I had to stay still for 1/2 hour, so I sang to myself "she will be coming round the mountain", I like the part red silk pyjamas, because I would like to wear them coming round the mountain,,,  I also sang Que Sera Sera, a song the residents like at Glebe. It go Que sera sera what ever will be will the future not ours to see Que sera sera. How true that is.  This is going to be sang at my funeral. I know I should not really say it, but if I blog it everyone can learn it and the church will not be quite.

In the afternoon I went to Shoebox and again I done the sweets to go into the boxes, we left at 5 . This has been good for me as no really knows me and therefore no knows I am ill. I also get to seat in a  lovely church and eat lovely ginger /pear cake at break time.

In the evening I went to a committee meeting at  the sailing club, this is my last one as social secretary as my term as come to an end. I wanted to go just to finish things off. 2 more events left, Laying up Supper, where the social team cook a meal and have a quiz afterwards. I have handed over Father Christmas as I will be mid way through treatment.  John is also on the committee and by going we get to spend time together. Saying that going to hospital has meant we do spend time together and it is quite nice !

I will go now as I am drinking a small glass of wine   and enjoying it.
Dreading tomorrow as BRI for more scan and info on the treatment.

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