Thursday 17 November 2016

Reading about the diagnosis is hard

Woke up feeling shaky and must accept this is a bad day. Walked Bertie with Mum and Phil , then popped into the local church for Peace. Letter came through from hospital and it was the average time people have to live with the brain tumour. It is horrible, I just want to run and run. I am fed up with feeling rubbish.I am also fed up with tear rolling down my face, I do not want to feel the victim. I need help to come to terms with this, we all do.
I went to shoe box again at the local church, it was just the tonic I need, chatting to Morag while bagging up sweets and while staring at the cross makes me feel a sense of calm. Being in church, surrounded by people I do not know is good.

In the evening I met Sue(I was her Bridesmaid when we were young) It was great to catch up, as we do not see each other that often. We had a coffee, then a bit of shopping. Looking for Sally's Christmas present. We also bought Sophie and Jacks Present(can not say what it is as they read this).  For a couple of hours emotions are blocked out. 

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