Thursday 10 November 2016

Invited to meeting for results

Another funny nights sleep, dreamt of a random family at the sailing club.  Another day begins and my usual text to Celia, which in some odd way brings great comfort, not sure why!. I made my own breakfast, Weetabix, I need the fibre, never realised  you could have such discomfort below !!! Elaine came to walk Bertie and then I had the usual bath etc., although slow to do, I am doing with confidence. Mo  arrived to do the table plans for the dinner and dance , it was a slow process as the phone rang and Elaine brought Bertie back and had a coffee, the day is my own so just let it happen .I think we have put everyone with who they want to sit with, Mo said they was no change to my  planning method, we have done the Dinner for years. Flowers from work, present from tri club  friend also lift my spirits today, at the start of the week it made me feel over emotional, now it is lovely that so many people care!!  I am beginning to accept that being looked after is ok, quite nice  really, but not for too long.  

Appointments have come through and although I want to know things, I am scared what reality might be, but I believe in  fate and what ever they say I will  be ok. So tomorrow I will know .
The afternoon I saw the new puppy that arrived in our road, We went to help choose her as it is Bertie's half sister, a cocker pooh. She is lovely and a cuddle does anyone good. Half an hour later home and tired again. I hope that all my past fitness will stay for a bit , but simple walking is hard. Before the tumour I could do a 6 mile power walk and then 2 hours later I could go on an 11 mile bike, pushing pace and still be able to go shopping afterwards. Not any more!!!. Bike coming in at the end of the week to go on indoor trainer, maybe will have to be Sophie road bike , I will take it slow.
I now feel calm about the results, if bad I will fight it and I will fight it hard, so bring it on.!!


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