Tuesday 29 November 2016

Its John's Birthday

While it is John's Birthday.  I should have made him  a cup of tea in bed, but I somehow forgot, but I did make his packed lunch to go to work and give him a wallet  and mars bars for his birthday.
My day starts with Shaun and Mo coming in to offer me chance to go on the back of Shaun's motorbike ( it is on my bucket list, I was not allowed a motorbike, but I did ride Clare's moped badly behind my parent's back years ago)  dressed as father or Mother Christmas with loads other bike going through Bristol, how cool is that!
Sarah from work came and took me to  Wyevale for a cup of tea and we shared a cake, trying to cut down a bit, which was lovely as I miss going into work and the people. The thing you loose  when you are ill is your sense of identity,  who you are has gone as you are not working and not playing sport, you also have people taking care off at time some of the time. Working at the nursing home you are used to caring for people not the other way round .I am also a bad patient!!!
Richard phoned on the way home to say he had been swimming and he could pop in so Richard and Gavin came in for lunch and Richard came to Blaise Castle to meet Sylvia ,  someone I used to work with at Ashley Down College, we were both support workers with special need adults , 16 years upwards. A job a was in for 11 years before I took voluntary redundancy, another job I really loved, we had  many laughs especially  the last year as Sylvia encouraged me , ha ha. Anyway we chatted about how I was and how the last year at college was good as we were lucky enough to be in the same class twice a week.  Anyway going back to Blaise, Bertie was a little monkey and kept running off , after squirrels etc., so on the lead he goes. Our usual cup of tea follows, cold today so we did not sit for long.
When I get back I pop over to my neighbour and friend Janet for a quick catch, which I  have always done .
We are off later  for a Meal so hence the blog  being done , as  after a glass  wine I will be hopeless at writing it , as I am a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. Making the most of my glass of wine as once the chemo starts the wine stops.

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