Friday 25 November 2016

What a day

My day starts of with going to the BRI hospital to oncology. I am having a mask made for the radio therapy , when I am called in nervous to say the leaset but the man is lovely and explains what will happen. So I have this plastic sheet with loads of holes in it draped over my face, then he moulds into my face,  then I have to stay still till it goes hard for about 4 minutes, bingo a mask is made for your treatment. Next is a CT  with the mask on . This is not nice as the put the mask over your face and screw it down so your head will not move .Not the best thing I have done in my life!! This is all mentally challenging so I grateful for the swimming and long distance walking as it as given me the tools to cope with what is going on.
To finish the morning I have a MRI  scan, 3 of them so far, but I still do not find them pleasant. I also have the injection of fluid put in and that makes me feel weird. I am left very tired after all of this and almost tearful, but to constrict what I am saying it also gives me a fight in my belly seeing everyone suffering from cancer , it makes me want to fight.
I go home to the girls and mum and they are baking cakes. I try explaining what has gone on, but it is hard as I am so tired.  WE are off to Poole,(john parents Place) they are away so we are having a break,Packing is needed, no sooner said then done and we are driving to Poole, bad traffic we arrive at 5.20, in time for Neighbours, then out to the local Harvester for a meal down the road.

We  know the area very well.

I am happy to share my journey with who ever wants to read it, so if anyone wants to pass the details of the blog on , please do so. It may be boring in places  and not make sense, but for those that know me well I can talk a lot of rubbish!!

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