Wednesday 9 November 2016

Starting to recover

Usual nights broken sleep. Boxes again . TV on and Donald Trump again. Woke up when John woke Sophie up.
Sally and I went out today to bank some money today for the Dinner and Dance(I am Social Sec for Thornbury Sailing Club). We also went to the doctors to get more tablets. Then village shop for bread, where we bumped into people we know, which was good to break the ice as we live in a village and everyone knows each other. It has made me realise the facing people after having a brain tumour removed is not only hard for you, it is also hard for everyone that sees you for the first time.The close people around are looking tired and the shock of the past week is coming to the surface, in a way it was easier  for me, as I was in the moment, being  given drugs for pain etc. I now need to make sure everyone is ok and their lives get back to normal (ish). I do not want to be a pain, but would panic if I was left on my own and those feelings I hate.
In the afternoon I was wiped out and I did not even want to talk, which is a first as I could have a degree in chatting, I can even chat  while doing a hard swim.!!

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