Saturday 26 November 2016

Quality time

Poole is lovely, I am very luckily, I draw back the curtain and watch the sea, all is ok for the moment in time, I am not ill and not starting radiotherapy. We went to see Poole harbour side this morning to see Father Christmas come in, then we went into Bournemouth for some lunch.

 We parked just before we got to Bournemouth, so we could we could walk along the front and look at the sea. We then went  to walked through the park to Christmas market.We had a simple hog roast from one of the stalls for lunch , followed by shopping for present, educating John in the art of Christmas shopping for when I am not here and also leaving him a list of what people like. There are many things he needs to learn! I will write a list on the things he needs training in ..... It never seems to leave me that I might not be here for many more Christmases or I could be too ill shop with them. When I saw them walking together as 3, I thought that is what it will be like soon.
I am happy, but I know the illness is terminal and it breaks my heart at time. Even the happiest moments remind things will never be the same again. I have asked them to do each other stocking when I am not here! To be honest I am writing this with tear rolling down my cheeks , but the blog does help.
After shopping we came back for a rest as I still get tired, the girls do each others hair, they need each other more that ever. I also get to watch a really rubbish film.
A lovely walk down along the seafront to the restaurant , although going down the steps from the flat was very dark.  The meal was lovely, glass of wine and spag

bol , what more could a girl want !
With new hat, scarf and gloves we walked back, to hear the waves gives you a feel good feeling, I was tempted to go for a paddle, but that can wait till the morning after I try to run for the first time since being ill, It might just be a power walk, but I will put my kit on to try. Sally is coming with me, she is a brilliant runner and last time we were here, we went out together but trained on our own.

Ps the Mask you see on the cancer advert is the same as the one I will wearing for the radiotherapy.

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