Tuesday 15 November 2016

I get tired very quicky

Still dreaming , but a good nights sleep.  Woke up 6.15 in time to wake Sophie up for college. John  made me a cup of tea and then had a chocolate that made me feel sick. The steroids I am taking at the moment have alleviated the effect of my allergy, I haven't eaten chocolate for years since I start sneezing so i'm making the most of this as I will stop taking those drugs soon.
Watched TV , morning breakfast, but can not watch the articles on cancer, too close to home.

Mum came up and said Phil(brother) was coming up to walk the dog, so we all went to the local park. It was lovely . I then went to church  and had a really good cry, I also put a notice on the prayer board asking for people to give me the strength and courage to tackle this horrible illness The hardest part for me and I needs to happen is to think that that the girls will have a future without me. We do need counselling to sort and process what is happening.  Sally has also agreed to get counselling, Sophie by luck is already seeing someone.
Paint shopping  at B & Q this afternoon, samples for the girls bedrooms, one is for Sally's flat in Cardiff , the other for Sophie’s room,  which has been on the agenda to do for a long time.  Very tired now.
Chatting to  Sally just now,  I am realising that it is not only coming to terms with diagnosis , but mourning the life I have lost, the 100 miles an hour Julie.  I loved going to Glebe and letting everyone know that I am in the building, singing with the residents(favourite part of the Job) and chatting to them all. I was lucky was job involved talking and I love talking.  The old Julie never sat still and was always behind with everything . At the moment walking around  B & Q tires me out.!!!

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