Friday 18 November 2016

Usual phone call to Celia to say I am ok. I did think about swimming today, but bottled it ! Also the sensation of water over my head is weird. I miss swimming very much with my friend Cathy . I will check I can swim before the treatment starts. Instead I mixed fruit up for the Christmas cake, how exicting!!. Mum also said dad would come up for company, but I said no as I just need to be on my own.

Julie came for a brief lunch, then Shoebox and bagging sweets for an hour, home for tea and dog training . Sally took us, Sophie and Bertie are going for thier gold citizenship award.  Sally stayed and watched for a bit and then went to ALDI shopping, not that exicting.  A day to feel normal.
Tommorrow when I feel brave I will look at the hammer out literature. I will also phone the people over the next couple of days I have not phoned back. The Queen of chat is suddenly finding chatting and being socialable hard. But as Sally pointed out I have always been Chatty but I am only sociable in small Doses. Hence the anti social sports.loving cycling on my own and training in the lake for up 2 hours for the long distance swims, also when i meet my friends it is not to sit and chat, but  either walk or swim. I nver really sit down for that long, always to busy. I can not tell you how horrible this all feels and i hate swearing, so I determined not to go there.

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