Saturday 24 November 2018

St Peter Hospice

We are now embracing the St Peters Hospice. They sort out my pain control and they are going to give us all some counselling. The nurse is really nice and I feel ready to embrace the journey ahead. The journey we have ahead will not be easy but it will be done as a family every step of the way.

As for me, my favourite bit is going out in my wheelchair and car. I am getting braver each day and going more places. I want to go to more place. I get nervous before I go out as the wheelchair is big, I am worried about being looked at but the more you do the easier it gets. We had some great fun at supermarket as I can't reach for anything but I have really good go first and we have plenty of laughs at what I want to get. I am trying not to be down but aiming to be positive but it is very hard. I tend to sleep a lot in the evenings which I hate, but have been told that the brain tumour makes you sleepy and they say that its normal.

Determined to make Christmas. Sophie, Sally and I are loving spending money

Must add that when anybody walks into the house they will see pringles that will be offered to them because I eat them at breakfast, tablets, tea and throughout the day. plus enjoying chocolate they have tasted too.

Sophie has helped me to typed the blog today

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