Sunday, 13 January 2019

Rubish Week

Last weekend I was looking forward to going out for a Cream Tea at Patisserie Valerie which was a Christmas present but I was in too much pain to get in my wheelchair. So that had to come to me instead and we had a good cream tea in the house. On Sunday I did manage to get out for lunch and had a good day. On Monday Specsavers came to the house to do an eye test and I now have some new glasses on order which should help me to read better. My eyesight has been getting worse and with the wheelchair I cant go to the shops very easily but their home service was great.

After that the pain got worse and I wasn't sleeping well. We had several visits from St Peters Hospice nurses and doctors. On Tuesday the pain was about the worst I have had during this illness and I had to take several "top ups" but these make me feel rubbish.

I am also struggling to remember things and am finally realising that my memory is not what it should be. I am getting really frustrated at not remembering who has visited and finding it confusing with so many different people coming in to sort out my care and the pain.

We are getting more support again now and I am really happy with the people who are helping now. They are much more understanding and work at a speed that suits me, which is good.

The pain seems to be getting under control again but the drugs have side effects and I am having more hallucinations and they probably aren't helping with my memory.
This weekend though I was able to go out for my Cream Tea and I am hoping I wont have to cancel so many visitors next week.

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