Thursday 19 October 2017

Bertie has kennel cough

Monday evening we thought Bertie was not right, Tuesday Morning we thought he had a bone stuck in his throat, so off to the vets. We only made reception and they said they thought it was kennel cough and we had to go on a room on our own, the vet was not sure so they sedated him and x rayed him, in the end it was kennel cough. He is not allowed to be walked or mixed with other dogs for 2 weeks as it is very contagious .
So my plans had to be changed. I had planned to take him to Glebe  but cancelled, humans can not get it, but I like being on the safe side.
Art was good this week, the people make it. Back to swimming with John and Cathy .Today Emma came for a cup of tea, always good to see her. I then tried to back bread, disaster , but will try again.  I went to Thornbury with mum in the afternoon  for my eyebrows to be  waxed.
I also had a coached swim session with the tri club  this evening, I need to keep my head down more. I also did 4 length pacing a 25 year old. I kept up with him !!!!! it was good fun..
Tomorrow  a swim with Cathy and food shopping with Mo, plenty of ingredients to buy as trying new recipe's.

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