Sunday 18 December 2016

Santa at Thornbury Sailing Club and Carols at Church

We left the house at 8.30 to go the club, when we got there it was foggy and all I could see was a load on men standing looking at the fog on the water. Father Christmas was my last event to oversea at the club, so I had to check the Ribs(safety Boats) were ok to take him and in  doing so found they were a crew down, so I offered to go as crew as I knew the person driving the rib, mother John was not sure, as I did not have enough kit, bit the look on my face was not happy. well to cut a long story short, I was leant Martins cruiser trouser, many sizes to big, but they were warn and did the job. So off I go on the ribs for the race, the feeling of being in the middle of the Severn is something I never tire of, a feeling a space and freedom, free to go where ever you want and be what you want !  After the race

Me with Father Christmas
we had to pick up Father Christmas after the race from the floating jetty, which we did, then we headed to the middle of the river for him to change. On the way back the fog came in and we had to use the compass to get in as we had gone a little off course!!  I was also dressed in an elf costume.It was lovely to see all the children waiting to see him and the excitement on their face.  Once in the club house Father Christmas gives out the presents and it is just lovely. it is also the card giving event, the club feels alive. Sue  is also busy doing hotdogs and mince pies are handed to everyone,  the  bar is open,   we always give Father Christmas a pint... The sailing club has been like second home over the years, but John and I have also had second parents , so it was really good to see Jack and Brenda, ( Martin and Jane's mum and dad)when john was growing up he really spent a lot of time with time and  they welcomed me into the fold with open arm, so yes it good to see them !!!  Brenda gave me a kite when I had Sally as I had always wanted a kite. she also recalled today the first time she met me emerging from a tent  at Chepstow Regatta , hair not brushed and worse for wear!!

But reality always come back when I take my chemo tablet as they make me feel a little off colour for a bit, I  just hope they are working!!!   but I keep smiling ......

Mum and Dad picked Sophie and I up at 6. it was great that dad came as he does not normally go, but I was glad he came..  We got there and I realised I left my glasses at home and I can not see a thing without them, so a phone call to an unimpressed John and he brings my glasses down. Celia had got there earlier and a seat was ready.   I love singing Christmas carols  but as a resident from Glebe told me quite bluntly that I can not sing, but it does not stop  singing  and it did not stop me singing at Glebe. Church makes me reflect and by doing so, tears can roll down my face, Sophie looked concerned but I told her It was just the carols as they are so meaningful. The Choir  also sang the Bleak Mid Winter beautifully. Mulled wine  and a chat followed. 

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