Friday 23 December 2016

Visited the Cathedral before treatment

Woke up with a headache today and feeling teary, I  seem to be able to cry at the drop of a hat. I cry over kind e mails, phone calls, people being nice in cards, to be honest anything can bring tears and I am not sure where they are all coming from !!.  Sophie is getting used to it now. Try not to cry in public , never have done, so do not want to start now.
Walked Bertie in the park this morning, where he had a good run around with his friend Slinky .The walk cleared my head and made me feel good.
Celia picked me up to go for treatment, we did not go for coffee today, instead we went to visit the cathedral and light a candle, it was lovely..  We did not have time for coffee, so I took my tablet while going up Park Street, we did stop, I am good at taking them quickly.  We go straight to oncology and we have discovered some lovely seating by F machine, so we go straight there and Mary, I think that is her name is there, so we have a good chat while waiting and I am in on time and they check if I have enough tablets and if I need another review, I say no as but all is fine. Once finished there I have to wait for blood to be taken, I do not like this as I hate looking at my own blood. We had a little wait for this, but it is ok as we chat to more people. When I am having the blood taken I can not look as the needle goes in. I really hate needles, the lovely nurse tells me when the needle goes in and it is ok. Once this is done  we head home.
No one is home, so I have lunch, watch a programme, then fall asleep at the end, which was a bit annoying!!
This evening I met my friend Sue at the mall and I had a children's meal from McDonald's, something we discussed in hospital the  other day, I did have tea, but slightly burnt the fish and the pepper coating was not that nice!!  The evening with Sue was very relaxing, although  after an hour I started feeling queasy and that horrible taste came back.  My head is getting sorer, I tried putting on my fleece today, that you put over your head and gave up , half my head is just tender.

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