Thursday 1 December 2016

Good Friends

I  am so lucky to have good friends, some take me shopping and surprise me outing, while other go  on dog walks and hear me, others bring me  flowers after  a bad day.  Some are just there when I need them and some send flower and nicely worded cards. I appreciate everyone .Enough soppy stuff on  to the blog.
I woke up feeling good. A dog walk with Emma  and Betsy started the day well, walking in the frost over the fields was great.  Mo then came with the Santa outfit and crash helmet for the Motorbike, ready for Saturday. We then went to Swindon  retail outlet , I wish I could tell you what I bought , but I  can not as they all read the blog. I did have more tea and cake!!  Mo  and have shopped together for years so it was a very good trip. I got home to a empty house which was weird .I then worried about Sophie being in out in the car when it was foggy but she was.  I just pottered. Then Sophie came home not long after me as she been Xmas shopping. Sally has gone back to Cardiff as she has uni today, she phoned to say she had done well in her assignment.
When John came home he had some good news in all this madness, I am allowed to go swimming a
nd do front crawl, hooray.  and if I heard right I swim through my treatment, but I can not swim without a friend and I have to let the life guard know as I might have a seizure.  I will not go silly , but will try and do 20 lengths, a fraction of what I used to do, but better than  nothing1
Cathy came up with some flowers to cheer me up, which it did , but did not stay to long as she had a cold. Celia also popped in as I normally see her 3 times a week for walking and miss the chats!.
The evening was spent doing the sailing club quiz and Sophie doing Tesco online food shopping with a little help from me. I am now hoping John is going to pour me a glass of wine !!!. Before the tumour was diagnosed I had actually stopped having alcohol as I thought it was the cause of all headaches, little did I know.

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